Go Big. The bigger the idea, the bigger the risk, and the bigger the risk, the bigger the payoff.
Stay Ahead of the Trends. Buyers like to buy, they don't like to be sold.
Know the Owners. I always try to put myself in my clients' place. Owners are the greatest asset - think like they do and they'll always come back for more.
Work Like Hell. I put everything I have into each and every deal. The harder the deal, the more satisfying the reward.
Zig When Others Zag. The New York real estate market is dominated by one idea: "What's new?" People crave "new."
Market, Market, Market. The world will see you as you position yourself. Marketing is essential.
Do! If you don't pursue your dreams, you'll never achieve them. I continue to pursue new challenges everyday.
Never Sit Still. Whenever I have a free moment, I'm thinking of the next deal and the next challenge.
Use the Power of Self-Entitlement. I'm a successful broker, not necessarily the smartest or the best, but one that can say "I deserve it" with conviction. I found my place in NYC, and I take ownership of it.
Stay Flexible. The buyers' & sellers' taste are constantly changing, the ability to change and grow with the times is what keeps my career both exciting and successful.